Last sunday i had a sms from a friend informing me that one more of the fishing ground we use to go were fenced up. What the hell is the garman thinking about lol forcing us to give up fishing in singapore? its time to move on, local fshing is gone for sure. I don't mind local boat fishing trip just to kil itch once in a while.
Gonna stop the buying of lures hahaha got to build more offshore tackle!
Oh ya btw the fenced up spot is at tanah merah safra resort so.. if you guys are going i think you better double check lol
Thats not good news at all, If they are closing it are they going to build there or somthing, May-be you should be looking at opening a fishing Pond of your own and reep the benifits while everyone else is closing, Here in the UK they are busy places and at around £6 a day to fish, And you dont even get to keep one, Hope they dont close to many or the children wont know what to do if they ever get the chance to go fishing,
Time to get a kayak mate! To the fence and beyond!!! BuzzBait Tan to the rescue!