This was my 2nd trip on his boat i will still say its worth trying again and again lol, he is the best boatman ever i came across so far in local. But somehow result for jigging that was not good , i guess the season for Sagai is over liao. Lucky we got buy 1kg of live prawns standby hahaha "1 kg of bait is not enuff"
But ... but... still we enjoyed the trip.

We setted off at about 9am in the morning , the boatman bring us to a jetty like place to try jigging our luck for awhile . There were some takes but nothing was hooked up so we leave the place to another spot. Boatman told us that we abit late for the Sagai liao so i decided to use bait hahaha.
My first fish of the day

On my prev trip my hong kong hook was to big liao so this time i got a smaller size de, this time we landed quite a number of parrot fish on live prawns. Using hong kong hook is not an easy thing kekeke i'm still learning how to work the hook with the current.
Rigging the hong kong hook is simple just put your leader through the hole on the lead and snell the hook, put your bait and you are ready to fish.
If you are just doing light bottom fishing at that area 1kg of live prawns is not enuff lol as there are too many small fish around the area liao.
You will need a lots of baits to play the game, on every drop you will encounter lots of bites from the small ones. Once you feel the fishes biteing lift your rod a bit move the bait away from the fishes then drop it back for them again. In this way it may trigger the bigger fish around the area to come snatching food from the small fish.

I hooked up a 6lb queenie on live prawn during the fall of my bait.

When the current start picking up and we had not much of baits in the live well we moved to another spot for jigging but luck was not on our side.

Jarrett only manage to hook up a small chermin.

We moved too many spot liao till i can't remember lol, we kept moving and trying. Lucky at the end of the day i hitted the 1 and only Sagai of the day and jarrett hitted a 8lb queen on jig.

Jig was removed before photos

Our total catch of the day was not so good compared to the prev trip hai.... it could be better if we had more baits. Oh well.... the next trip we will get more baits kekeke

Our next trip will be on may 28th, We will be setting off super early on that day as we will be trying new stuff on his boat.
Luring cum trolling cum jigging cum baiting kekeke.