Last saturday night me and my friends went over to kyoto heaven for some pond fishing, hmmm how i wish i did not went lol. We started fishing at about 12 plus am and was told that we are the 11th and 12th rods in the pond so they could release 2 more nets of fish in the pond. Oh ok thats great.... "i tot"
But after the 2 nets of fish was released hmmmm lol no one landed anything.....
we spent the whole night there lol our total catch for that night was hmmm 5 if i don't remember wrongly kekeke. Best part was i zero fighter no bites at all for me.........
I'm so sad......
We went home at about 6am
After a few hours of sleep jamie called me asking if i wanna go kyoto again lol , hmmm ok i wanna go to break my dry spell lol.
We met the handler on the previous night he told us that last night only 2 groups of anglers and fish they rest all zero..... i was like OMG.....
i think its a wrong move to come back again after hearing that lol but its too late now.....
And again this pond disappoint me again but luckly enuff i manage to land 1 fish.....
Oh man we should have gone to punggol pond instead of kyoto......