Recently weather was so scary esp if you had boat trip coming up hahaha, lucky on this trip the weather was good.......
As usual this trip i went out with some of my close kakis,ibr,sh,thomas and blur blur :X. Boat set off at about 7.30am from west coast rsyc, it took us about 20mins to reach the first location.
The water flow on this day was kinda fast so i used a 60G surecatch Flasher to try my luck, kekeke luck was on my side i hitted a 2.3kg Longrakered Trevally aka Peh Heurr on the flasher.
Rod: eupro salty fighter PE0.8-2
Reel: Daiwa Bradia 2500R
Line: varivas casting pe 2
Leader: Triumph fluorocarbon Shock Leader 50lb
Lure: Surecatch Flasher 60G
Method: Fast jigging
I guess we hitted the right spot there are more fishes below, we hitted a few more fishes around that area. But sadly we got to leave for some reason
The boatman suggested us to take a break and do some baiting while waiting for the next round of jigging.
Time for hong kong hook .......
We hitted some small groupers too but no pics taken, released them asap cos to small to keep.....
When the tide start to change, water flow getting faster we went back to jigging.
Jackall Laser jig 40G
This trip not much of sagai but lol quite a bit of queenie. some we keep some we release upon landing.
While we are busy jigging thomas and blur blur hide at the side lower down their bait for bottom fishing. hahaha lucky they did tat look wat they got for CNY......
Light jigging in sg are still possible :) i had saw some reports from others that had better catches with the same boatman we are using... but why always others are better hahahaha.....