Today was the first book out weekend for TT after he enter NS, so a small group of us went luring this morning together with him. The fitness training sure make him look fiter and darker kekeke. This trip we are going after the "Haruan" 1 of the family member of snakeheads.
( click here for more info on snakeheads from Wikipedia)
We started casting at about 7am but not a single sign of Haruan, we saw some splashes but it was to far out for us to reach. Yuki mondo suddenlly say oi alan see whats this? Ended up i start taking photos of it hahaha no fish take photos also happy lol.
So cute....
Weather is getting hot the sun slowly rised up above us, somehow we spotted some pbs around by casting rubbers to the bottom lol my first catch of the day was a small pb on a 4 inch stillhunt. Now we knew that finally the PBs had made their way to that area, its sad to know about itlol . anyway total we had 6 pbs on rubbera and flies at the end of the day all was released .
OH ya ibr, mondo got 2 pb today k first fish on rubber and flies kekeke