Monday, August 3, 2009

Sometime you need more luck than skill and experience

Had a bad trip with SH on saturday night both of us went to one of our spot that we are very familiar with. Everything is prefect on the tide, weather and timing that the barramundi will start to feed. But we did not manage to catch anything that night at this location, we knew that the fishes are around is just that they are not taking our lures . We are able to see them whacking the baitfish and swim infront of us but we just do ot have enuff luck lol

Like i say sometime you need more luck than skill and experience, everything can be prefect but if the fishes are not taking lol you can't do anything!

After a few hours of hard trying both of us give up and moved to another location to pick up some of my lures that i snaged earlier on, sad i only able to find back my rubber and 1 diver. This 2nd location is where i got my 1.5kg werid looking tiger grouper kekeke. So both of us started to cast trying our luck again to see if there are still any groupers around.

lol the ans is nope no grouper but sh got 2 kuku instead of grouper lol



