Tuesday, January 27, 2009

First day of CNY

Yesterday morning i went for a short luring trip with ibr more or less is like a last min trip kekeke. The plan was there to hunt for queenfish de but sad totally no action at all ,the weather and tide are ok~~~ just do not know why the queens are not around .... maybe they also go 拜年 ( new year visiting)

I moved up and down the breaker only saw a few lonely small todak lol, when i almost wanted to give up i found a 4 inch Keitech live impact in my bag that i forgot to take it out from my prev trip kekeke. Heng ar or else i will not have my new year fish liao lol

A small Chocolate Hind took it at the drop off edge



After that we call it off for the day and went to changi V for breakfast , first day of CNY changi pro and riverland open sia hahaha so went in to look around, bought a pack of hooks to tie flies and also looking for swivel for luring but sad lor both shops do not have swivel suitable for luring.

Anw went home after that

Watch TV, surf net, msn hahaha

at around 8pm Me, TT, AG and momok went to orchard McDonald for dinner, me AG and momok are so lucky to get the best tips of the month on how to keep yourself warm when you are in the cinema

Here you go best tips of the month:

Feeling cold~~~while you are in the cinema watching a moive ?
Feeling cold~~~while you are in the bowling centre?

Feeling cold?

Haha and do not have any jackets or sweaters.

No worries, all you need is a pack of tissue paper.

Stuffing tissue papers in between your armpits will keep you warm

Who need jackets or sweaters when a packet of tissue papers can do the job?

Try it hahaha

Tips from the double T

If you had sleepy friends around you tell them this i'm sure you will wake them up too hahaha

1 comment:

  1. lol!!! TT played a crucial part yesterday.

    Remember, next time when you guys sleep... don't sleep at the same time or all of you guys will likely be meeting up somewhere in Dreamland and star in a silly dream together.
